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Flavorful & Functional Blends for your Protein Applications

Protein is one of the most costly components in the food market today. With that taken into consideration, food product developers must still deliver a positive end-product experience: protein that is moisttender and balanced in flavor while ensuring that processing and heating steps don’t negatively impact yield or texture.

Let Advanced Food Systems help you meet these challenges in designing the best possible product with our SeasonRite®Marinades.  These custom blends, many of which are designed to enhance the specific type and cut of protein, offer multiple solutions. Among them are: improved cook yield, enhanced texture, moisture retention, prevention/slowing of oxidation, as well as being tailored to vacuum tumble, injection or static soak.

These marinades will also score points with your purchasing, inventory control and production teams – using just one pre-blended ingredient with all of the flavor PLUS function needed makes it easy to order, track, batch and incorporate.



Our SeasonRite® Marinades are custom flavored marinades designed to increase cooked yield, improve texture and provide balanced flavor, as well as preventing/slowing of oxidation in both meat and poultry applications. Various versions are also available for vacuum tumbling and injection, or overnight marination.

SeasonRite® Marinades

A wide variety of flavor systems designed for maximum flavor impact and texture.

  • Beef Steak T#32: Imparts savory beef flavor, increases cook yield, improves texture and enhances the freeze-thaw stability of beef products, especially low grade; also keeps beef moist; aids in extending shelf life.
  • DMC-5: Provides acid stability while improving texture, increasing cook yield, and promotes better moisture retention with enhanced freeze-thaw stability.
  • SH-7NP: Improves texture, increases cooked yield and delivers freeze-thaw stability for outside skirt steaks with improved moisture retention; also stabilizes oxidative flavor.
  • Steak NWP-1: Improves the texture of meat and poultry while providing balanced flavor; increases moisture retention and improves cooked yield.
  • Chicken AN-3A: Balances flavor for poultry products, while increasing cooked yield and improving texture; also clean-label.
  • Spicy Korean BBQ: Flavored marinade system for chicken thighs; increases cook yield and provide an authentic spicy Korean flavor.
  • PR-7: Greatly increases yield and gives excellent texture and juiciness to smoked, pork loin ribs which are prepared using an extended cooking time.

SeasonRite® Marinades Injectables (SRMI)

Just the perfect system where/when injection is indicated. 

  • BRS-9: Custom developed marinade for leaner cuts if beef: improves sliceability of cooked meat as well as cooked yield, providing excellent natural flavor and texture.
  • Honey BBQ: Honey barbecue flavored injection used to improve flavor and cooked yield of pork loin.
  • HC: For half-chickens that are smoked then steamed in the bag resulting with a flavorful tender juicy texture, with excellent cook yield and a reduced amount of purge.
  • Wine Herb: A wine-herb flavored injection marinade used to improve flavor and cooked yield in pork loin.
  • BIC: Natural marinade system that improves marinade retention in bone-in chicken (fresh, refrigerated) while providing a juicy texture and higher cook yield.

For additional information on our products, please contact  Technical Service at (800) 787-3067 or lab@afsnj.com.
Advanced Food Systems, Inc.: developers and manufacturers of custom ingredient systems for the perfect balance of flavor and texture!

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Somerset, NJ 08873


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