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Keep the Fresh Dairy Taste in your Product with even Fresher Benefits!

With over thirty years’ experience in developing and manufacturing custom food ingredients, AFS offers a large catalog of products for the food industry. By answering to customer challenges with products designed to meet cost guidelines, processing requirements and labeling restrictions, AFS continues to provide effective solutions for food processors.

The AFS ReadiCream® line is just such an example of product development, product evolution and implementation to meet the ever-changing consumer requirements. Hydrated ReadiCream® products are designed to function as 1:1 replacements of liquid heavy cream and half and half and can be used in sauces, soups, casseroles, beverages and bakery items. ReadiCream® provides the same fresh dairy flavor and creamy texture as real dairy products but has increased functionality and stability. ReadiCream® also gives the formulator greater control of nutrition and label requirements. Through lower fat content, clean label and soy-free options, ReadiCream® broadens your product’s appeal to health-conscious consumers.

As a powdered system, ReadiCream® reduces processing costs through ambient storage requirements, reduced transportation fees and more consistent material costs. Additional advantages include accurate long-term cost projections through resistance to daily price fluctuations.

Our ReadiCream® line are custom ingredient blends made to resolve your product challenges and give you more control of your end-product. See below for some of our innovative solutions that best fits your processing needs.

  • ReadiCream® 23: ReadiCream® 23 is a cost-saving solution that improves emulsion stability, provides freeze/thaw stability, improves shelf life, provides cold viscosity.
  • ReadiCream® HC-22: ReadiCream® HC-22 improves emulsion stability, provides freeze/thaw stability, improves shelf life, and provides cold viscosity when used to replace cream or half & half.
  • ReadiCream® HC-31: ReadiCream® HC-31 is a clean-label solution that provides cost savings, improves emulsion stability, provides freeze/thaw stability, improves shelf life, and provides cold viscosity.
  • ReadiCream® HH-60: ReadiCream® HH-60 used in place of cream or half and half reduces fat, improves emulsion stability, provides freeze/thaw stability, improves shelf life, and provides cold viscosity.
  • Also, ask about MilkPlus®. When hydrated in whole milk, it can be used as a 1:1 replacement for heavy cream in sauces, soups, and bakery products.
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21 Roosevelt Avenue
Somerset, NJ 08873


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