All Flavor TextureProduct Category
Actobind® Actogel® Actoloid® AFS Flavor Boosters BakeRite® ER Chef-Ready® EasyBrown® EggRite FlavorTex® Fresh 'O Systems MicroSeal ReadiCream® Salt Replacers/Substitute SaucyGlaze Seal 'N Crisp® Seal 'N Crunch® Seal 'N Glaze® Seal ‘N Shine Sealtite® SeasonRite® Flavor SeasonRite® Glaze SeasonRite® Marinade SeasonRite® Marinade Injectable SeasonRite® Sauce Base SeasonRite® Seasoning SeasonRite® Soup Base TenderBite TexRite®Product
SeasonRite® Marinade Injectable BRS-9
SeasonRite® Marinade, Injectable (SRMI) BRS-9 is a custom developed marinade for imported sirloin tips. It improves the sliceability of cooked meat, improves the cooked yield and provides excellent natural flavor and texture. Easy Brown TM accelerates browning of the surface and provides a roasted brown color.
- Meat
- Poultry
Key Benefits/Features
- Freeze/Thaw Stability
- Improve Cooked Yield
- Improve Texture
- Prevent/Slow Oxidation
- Provide Moisture Retention