All Flavor TextureProduct Category
Actobind® Actogel® Actoloid® BakeRite® ER Chef-Ready® EggRite FlavorTex® Fresh 'O Systems MicroSeal ReadiCream® SaucyGlaze Seal 'N Crisp® Seal 'N Crunch® Seal 'N Glaze® Seal ‘N Shine Sealtite® SeasonRite® Marinade SeasonRite® Marinade Injectable SeasonRite® Sauce Base SeasonRite® Soup Base TenderBite TexRite®Product
Actobind® TS-20
Actobind® TS-20 is a specially designed ingredient system that is used with tortilla shells to reduce shell breakage. It enhances corn flavor and appearance of tortilla shells.
- Taco Shells/Tortilla Skins
Key Benefits/Features
- Allergen Free
- Clean Label
- Improve Color/Appearance
- Improve Cooked Yield
- Improves Texture (Reduces Breakage)
- Provide Heat Stability